Facebook Will Soon "Closed"

The presence of a new social networking site owned by Google is Google + (Google plus) will be very influential on social networking sites that already exist. Like most social networking sites in the world of facebook, it is feared would disappear from circulation.

Social Networking world is so tempting actors either users or providers of IT services (hardware and software). An increasingly complex life from day to day that make a person look for the quickest way to do all the activities. It is what triggered the reaction of the creators in the IT field vying to provide the best service.

Lucrative profits, the market is definitely and loyal, and (created) the need for social networking to make 'sweet cake social networking' much-covered 'ant IT service providers'.

Is Google, one of the world's IT giants who see social networking site Facebook is so successful and had time to beat Google in traffic visiting the site trying to be a competitor that could attract Facebook users. After an earlier attempt, Google Buzz and Google Wave unsuccessful tackle facebook, now Google launches new Google social networking + (plus).

As noted on its website, https://plus.google.com
 "The Google + AIMS project to make-sharing on the web more like sharing in real life."

Google + (plus) is very similar to Facebook. Thing that sets it apart is the grouping of members in its network. According to senior vice president of engineering for Google, Vic Gundotra, everyone wants privacy in the circle of life. There are things you want to share one's just for certain groups within its network. To different families with work environment, college, business, hobby and others. This grouping is the criticism most Facebook users, it is quite complicated for this group on Facebook. Google tries to facilitate this, this is the service provided by Google + (plus).

Vic Gundotra following statement, as quoted by the Bangkok Post,
"Not all relationships are created equal," Gundotra said. "So in life We share one thing with college buddies, another with parents, and almost nothing with our boss.

 "The problem Is that today's online services turn friendship into fast food - wrapping everyone in 'friend' paper - and sharing really suffers," he said.

Comscoredatamine mention that in May 2011 Google's visitors more than the visitors Facebook.
Google will kah + (plus) can stop the pace up, such as Facebook which contributed to 'kill' Friendster? Moreover, rumors of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have a Google account + (plus) on the rise.

We'll see, obviously there's a chance Google + kill Facebook.

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