Whether you will travel to Indonesia ..? Identify patterns and geographic Indonesia first. Indonesia is a unique country. Geographically, Indonesia is an archipelagic country, consisting of thousands of islands and occupied by hundreds of different tribes. All the culture and language is also different. In this post, I will give information about the list of tribes in Indonesia, here they are :
Acehnese in Aceh: Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar
Alas tribe in Aceh: Aceh Tenggara
NTT Alordi Tribe: Alor
Interest Ambon in the Moluccas: Ambon
Ampana tribe, Central Sulawesi
Tribe Child (Child Rimbo) in Jambi
Jamee Aneuk tribe in Aceh: Aceh Selatan, Aceh Barat Daya
Arab tribes, Indonesia
Aru tribes in Maluku: Aru Islands
Asmat tribe in Papua
Interest in Bali Bali comprises:
Interest Bali Majapahit in most of the island of Bali
Tribes in Karangasem Bali Aga and Kintamani
Balantak tribe in Central Sulawesi
Banggai tribe in Central Sulawesi: Banggai Islands
Bedouin Tribe in Banten
Bajau tribe in East Kalimantan
Interest in Bangka Belitung Bangka
Tribe Banjar in South Kalimantan
Tribe Batak in North Sumatra comprises:
Karo tribe Karo
Interest in Mandailing Natal Mandailing
Angkola tribe in South Tapanuli
Toba tribe on Toba Samosir
Interest in Pakpak Bharat Pakpak
Interest in the District Simalungun Simalungun
Inner tribe in Jambi
Bawean tribe in East Java: Gresik
Interest in Bangka Belitung Islands
Tribes large splotch, South Sulawesi
Interest Berau in East Kalimantan: Berau
Tribe Betawi in Jakarta
Interest Milky NTB: Bima City
Boti tribe, East South Central
Interest Bolang Mongondow in North Sulawesi: Bolaang Mongondow
Bugis in South Sulawesi
Bugis Pagatan, in Kusan Hilir, Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan
Bungku tribe in Central Sulawesi: Morowali District
Interest Buru in the Moluccas: Buru Regency
Buol tribe in Central Sulawesi: Buol
Interest Buton in Southeast Sulawesi: Buton District and the City of Bau-Bau
Bonai tribes in Riau: Rokan Hilir
Damal tribes in Mimika
Dampeles tribe, Central Sulawesi
Dani, Baliem Valley, Papua
Dayak tribe comprises:
Punan, Central Kalimantan
Kanayatn tribe in West Kalimantan
Interest Ibandi West Kalimantan
Mualang tribe in West Kalimantan: Sekadau, Sintang
Bidayuh tribe in West Kalimantan: Sanggau
Tribe of Mali in West Kalimantan
Seberuang tribe in West Kalimantan: Sintang
Sekujam tribe in West Kalimantan: Sintang
Sekubang tribe in West Kalimantan: Sintang
Ketungau tribe in West Kalimantan
Tribal village in West Kalimantan
Sleepiness tribe in West Kalimantan
Ot Danum or Dohoi tribe in Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan
Limbai tribe in West Kalimantan
Kebahan tribe in West Kalimantan
Pawan tribe in West Kalimantan
Tebidah tribe in West Kalimantan
Bakumpai tribe in South Kalimantan, Barito Kuala
Barangas people in South Kalimantan, Barito Kuala
Hill tribes in South Kalimantan
Dayak people in Awayan Pitap, Balangan, South Kalimantan
Dayak tribe in Kalimantan Banyu Upper South
Balangan Dayak tribe in South Kalimantan
Deyah Dusun tribes in South Kalimantan: Tabalong
Ngaju tribe in Central Kalimantan: Kapuas
Joyless Day tribes in Central Kalimantan: Joyless Kingdom
He Bara tribe in Central Kalimantan: South Barito
Ot Danum tribe in Central Kalimantan
Lawangan tribe in Central Kalimantan
Bawo Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan: South Barito
Tribe Tunjung, West Kutai, clumps Ot Danum
Tribe Benuaq, West Kutai, clumps Ot Danum
Bentian tribe, West Kutai, clumps Ot Danum
Tribe Bukat, West Kutai
Tribe Busang, West Kutai
Tribe Ohong, West Kutai
Kayan tribe, West Kutai, clumps Apo Kayan
Tribe Bahau, West Kutai, clumps Apo Kayan
Tribe Penihing, West Kutai, clumps Punan
Punan, West Kutai, clumps Punan
Tribe Modang, East Kutai, clumps Punan
Tribe Basap, Bontang, East Kutai
Ahe tribe, Berau
Tribe Tagol, Malinau, clumps Murut
Tribe Brusu, Malinau, clumps Murut
Kenyah, Malinau, clumps of Apo Kayan
Tribe Lundayeh, Malinau
Sand Tribe in East Kalimantan: Regency Sand
Dusun tribes in Central Kalimantan
Maanyan tribe in Central Kalimantan: East Barito
People Maanyan Paju Sapuluh
People Maanyan Paju Epat
People Maanyan Dayu
People Maanyan Nails
People Maanyan Maanyan Paju Five Five Continents
Warukin Dayak people in Tanta, Tabalong, South Kalimantan
Samihim tribe, North Pamukan, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan
Interest Dompu NTB: District Dompu
Donggo tribes, the Milky
Duri tribes in South Sulawesi
Indonesia-European tribes (the Indo-Eurasian or Indonesia)
Tribes of Flores in NTT: East Flores
Gayo tribe in Aceh: Aceh Tengah Gayo Lues Bener Meriah
Interest in Gorontalo Gorontalo: Gorontalo City
Gumai tribe in South Sumatra: Lahat
Komering tribe in South Sumatra: Balfour
Semendo tribe in South Sumatra: Muara Enim
Latitude tribe in South Sumatra: Lahat
Tribe India-Indonesia
Interest in Banten Banten
Interest Cirebon in West Java: Cirebon
Javanese in Central Java, East Java
Tengger tribe in East Java
Osing tribe in East Java: Banyuwangi
Samin people in Central Java: Purwodadi
Malay Jambi in Jambi: Jambi City
Kaili tribe in Central Sulawesi: Palu
Kaur tribes in Benguet: District Kaur
Great Wood tribe in South Sumatra
Interest Kerinci in Jambi: Kerinci
Komering tribe in South Sumatra: Komering Ogan Ilir regency
Tribe Konjo Mountains, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi
Konjo Coastal tribes, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi
Kubu tribe in Jambi and South Sumatra
Kulawi tribe in Central Sulawesi
Kutai Tribe in East Kalimantan: Kukar
Interest Kluet in NAD: South Aceh
Interest Krui in Lampung
Tribe Sea, Riau Islands
Interest in Lampung Lampung
Lematang tribe in South Sumatra
Tribe Lembak, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu
Latitude Tribe, South Sumatra
Tribe Lom, Bangka Belitung
Tribe Lore, Central Sulawesi
Lubu tribal, border region between the Province of North Sumatra and West Sumatra Province
Karo tribe of North Sumatra
Madurese in East Java
Interest Makassar in South Sulawesi: Makassar
Interest Mamasa (West Toraja) in West Sulawesi: District Mamasa
Mandar tribe of West Sulawesi: Polewali Mandar
Riau Malay in Riau
Tamiang ethnic Malays in NAD: Aceh Tamiang
Mentawai Tribe in West Sumatra: Mentawai Islands
Interest Minahasa in North Sulawesi: Minahasa regency comprises 9 subetnik:
Interest Babontehu
Interest Bantik
Interest pasan Ratahan
Interest Ponosakan
Interest Tonsea
Interest Tontemboan
Interest Toulour
Interest Tonsawang
Interest Tombulu
Tribe of Minangkabau, West Sumatra
Mori, Morowali regency, Central Sulawesi
Muko-Muko tribes in Benguet: District Mukomuko
Muna tribes in Southeast Sulawesi: Muna
Interest Nias in North Sumatra: Nias regency, Nias Selatan
Osing tribe in Banyuwangi in East Java
Ogan tribe in South Sumatra
Tribe of Papua / Irian
Asmat Regency Asmat
Biak tribe in Biak Numfor
Dani, Baliem Valley, Papua
Tribe Ekagi, Paniai area, Abepura, Papua
Amungme in Mimika
Tribe Bauzi, Mamberamo downstream, northern Papua
Arfak tribes in Manokwari
Kamoro tribes in Mimika
Interest Palembang in South Sumatra: Palembang
Pamona tribe in Central Sulawesi: Poso
Pasemah tribe in South Sumatra
Pesisi tribe in North Sumatra: Central Tapanuli
Sand Tribe in East Kalimantan: Regency Sand
Swamp Tribe, Rokan Hilir, Riau
Rejang in Bengkulu: Kepahiang District, District Lebong, and Rejang Lebong
Rote tribes in NTT: Rote Ndao District
Saluan tribe in Central Sulawesi
Interest Sambas (Malay Sambas) in West Kalimantan: Sambas District
Sangir tribe in North Sulawesi: Sangihe
Sasak in Lombok, Lombok
Interest checkmate Bangka
Sekayu tribe in South Sumatra
Interest Semendo in Bengkulu
Interest Serawai in Bengkulu: Bengkulu and South Seluma District
Interest Simeulue in Aceh: Simeulue District
Interest Sigulai in NAD: northern Simeulue District
Interest Sumbawa in NTB: Sumbawa
Tribal Sumba NTT: West Sumba, East Sumba
Sundanese in West Java
Talaud tribe in North Sulawesi: Islands Talaud
Talang Mamak tribe in Riau: Indragiri Hulu
Tamiang tribe in Aceh: Aceh Tamiang
Tengger tribe in East Java, Pasuruan and Probolinggo slope G. Bromo
Interest Ternate in North Maluku: Ternate
Tidore tribe in North Maluku: City Tidore
Tribes East NTT, Kupang
Ethnic Chinese-Indonesian
Trenches on the Chinese people Pelaihari, Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan
Tojo tribe in Central Sulawesi: Tojo Una-Una
Interest Toraja in South Sulawesi: Toraja
Tolaki tribes in Southeast Sulawesi: Kendall
Toli Toli tribe in Central Sulawesi: Toli-Toli
Tomini tribe in Central Sulawesi: District Parigi Moutong
Una-una tribe in Central Sulawesi: Tojo Una-Una
Wolio tribes in Southeast Sulawesi: Buton
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